How to play poker on the phone if you do not trust your opponent or the card dealer? Find out how, by using discorrelated quantum states. On the cover of Advanced Quantum Technologies, May 2021.
Continue readingFeb 17 2021
New tests of nonclassical behavior

We experimentally test new ways to detect the nonclassicality of a state from correlations among different phase-space distributions. See our latest PRL paper.
Continue readingMar 15 2020
Towards quantum spectroscopy: a roadmap

We join a group of experts from all over the world to draw a roadmap of future applications of quantum light to spectroscopy. In Journal of Physics B.
Continue readingFeb 11 2020
“Share one to entangle them all”

The delocalized addition of a single photon entangles two separate laser pulses containing an average of up to 60 photons each. Our recent results have just appeared in a paper on PRL.
Dec 06 2019
Quantum cryptography in Florence

We successfully exchanged secure cryptographic keys in a fiber-based field test of quantum key distribution in the metropolitan Florence area.
Continue readingOct 02 2017
Generating nonclassical states from hybrid systems
How to generate a nonclassical continuous-variable (CV) state by making measurements on the discrete-variable (DV) part of a compound CV-DV system? Find out in our latest PRL paper.
Jul 12 2017
Optical Kerr effect with less than one photon
We emulated the self-phase modulation typical of strong optical Kerr nonlinearity on coherent light pulses containing less than a single photon (on average). These results just appeared in PRL.
Jun 05 2017
Quantum tomography of homodyne detectors
We suggest and experimentally demonstrate a tomographic method to characterize homodyne detectors at the quantum level. Our results have just appeared in New Journal of Physics.
Apr 19 2017
Limits to XUV frequency combs?
By measuring the tiny phase fluctuations between consecutive pulses from an infrared laser frequency comb we pose stringent limits to the extension of its spectroscopic and metrological applications towards the extreme ultraviolet. Just appeared in PRL.
Dec 15 2016
OSA “Best of 2016” in Optics & Photonics News
The Optical Society of America (OSA) selected our PRL paper on the generation of zero-area single-photon pulses among the 30 most relevant papers of the year worldwide in the field of optics (see Optics & Photonics News).