You can contact us at …

via N. Carrara, 1
Polo Scientifico
50019 Sesto Fiorentino
Florence, ITALY
Tel: +39 (0)554572493
You can contact us at …
via N. Carrara, 1
Polo Scientifico
50019 Sesto Fiorentino
Florence, ITALY
Tel: +39 (0)554572493
We are located in the “Polo Scientifico Universitario” at Sesto Fiorentino, a few kilometers northwest of Florence, Italy, near the Vespucci airport and the A1 and A11 motorways exits. Our laboratories are at the Physics Department of the University of Florence (GoogleMaps link here) and in the CNR Research Area (GoogleMaps link here).
We are always considering applications for PhD and postdoctoral positions, but there might be none available at the moment. Post-doc Candidates should have laboratory experience in classical and, possibly, quantum optics, with special focus on parametric generation and nonlinear optics, ultrafast lasers, detection of quantum light states, etc.. If you are interested, send us an …