Category: News, events, and awards

Physica Scripta Highlights of 2013

Our paper on the characterization of homodyne detection selected among the  2013 highlights of Physica Scripta

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Best Poster Prize at the “Quantum Communication based on Integrated Optics” Heraeus Seminar

Our PhD student Constantina Polycarpou wins the Best Poster Prize at the “Quantum Communication based on Integrated Optics” Heraeus Seminar

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OSA “Best of 2009” in Optics and Photonics News

Our works on single-photon manipulation of quantum light states have been chosen among the OSA “Best of 2009” in Optics and Photonics News

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“The nature of light: What is a photon?”

Our Wigner functions on the cover of “The nature of light” CRC-Press book

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“Best of 2008” in New Journal of Physics

Our work selected among the “BEST OF 2008” in New Journal of Physics

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Best poster prize at the “Quantum & Nonlinear Optics” PhD Summer School

Our PhD student Valentina Parigi wins the prize for the best poster presentation at the Quantum & Nonlinear Optics  –  Ph.D. Summer School, Backfallsbyn, Hven, DK

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The 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics awarded to Theodor W. Hänsch

Ted Hänsch and Marco Bellini performed one of the key experiments leading to the invention of the femtosecond frequency comb (and, later, to the Nobel prize) in Florence. In 1997, we demonstrated the coherence in the process of supercontinuum generation that was the starting point to conceive the possibility of generating ultra-broadband self-calibrating optical frequency …

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